MLC Elections Show Cause Notice : ఎమ్మెల్సీ అభ్యర్థి కి మద్దతు గా నామినేషన్ కు హాజరైనందుకు ఉపాధ్యాయ సంఘ నేతకు షోకాజ్ నోటీసు జారీ చేసిన అధికారులు

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Office of the

District Educational Officer, KURNOOL.


RC.No. SPL/A3/2023.            Dt:01.03.2023.

MLC Elections Show Cause Notice : ఎమ్మెల్సీ అభ్యర్థి కి మద్దతు గా నామినేషన్ కు హాజరైనందుకు ఉపాధ్యాయ సంఘ నేతకు షోకాజ్ నోటీసు జారీ చేసిన అధికారులు

Sub: School Education Sri G. Hrudaya Raju, SA-English, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) - Participated in MLC Nominations in support of a contestant on -23.02.2023 Initiation of - disciplinary action - Show Cause Notice - Issued.

Ref: 1. WhatsApp Instructions dt:27.02.2023 of the RJDSE., Kadapa 

2. Photographic Evidence of the individual.

3. A.P.C.S. (CONDUCT) RULES, 1964

4. APCS (CCA) Rules-1991.


It has come to the notice of the undersigned that, Sri G. Hrudaya Raju, SA-English, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) has participated in MLC Nominations in support of a contestant at O/o Joint Collector and Additional District Magistrate, Ananthapuramu on 23.02.2023 which is contravened Rule 19 (1) & (5) of APCS Conduct Rules, 1964.

The Rule 19 (1) & (5) of APCS Conduct Rules. 1964 which says that..

19. (1) No Government employee shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any political party or any organisation in respect of which there is slightest reason to think that the organisation has a political aspect and takes part in politics; nor shall he participate in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity.

(5) No Government employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence, in connection with, or take part in, an election to Parliament or any House of a State Legislature or any local authority or body. 

But, Sri G. Hrudaya Raju, SA-English, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) has deviated Rule 19 (1) & (5) of APCS Conduct Rules, 1964.

Hence, is hereby issued Show Cause Notice to Sri G. Hrudaya Raju, SA-English, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) and he is directed to explain as to why action should not be taken against him as per APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 for violation of Rule 19 (1) & (5) of APCS Conduct Rules, 1964.

His explanation should be submitted to the undersigned in person before S03-2023 time without fail. Failing which, it is construed that, he has nothing to put forth in this regard and further action will be taken against him as per the rules in force

This should be treated as MOST IMPORTANT

District Education Office


Copy to

Sri G. Hrudaya Raju, SA-English, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) through the Headmaster, ZPHS,(V&M) Holagunda

The Headmaster, Headmaster, ZPHS, Holagunda (V&M) with instructions to serve this NOTICE to the Individual with proper acknowledgement. 

Copy to the Deputy Educational Officer, Adoni for necessary action.

Copy submitted to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kadapa for favour of information

Copy submitted to the Collector and District Magistrate, Kurnool for favour of information

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