Muncipal Schools School Wise DDO Codes Downnload

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Lr.Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST (3) 7-CSE, Dated: 23/02/2023

Muncipal Schools School Wise DDO Codes Downnload


Sub: School Education – Entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to the School Education Department - Request to map the cadre strength of  Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters in the state for the purpose of drawing salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Department - Reg.

Ref:    1. G.O.Ms.No.84, MA & UD (D1) Dept., Dated: 24.06.2022.
2. This office Proceedings Rc.No.ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, Dated: 25.06.2022.
3. Your Lr.No:Fin02-18067/3/2022-H SEC-DTA, Dated: 26.08.2022 addressed to the C&DMA, A.P.
4.    This office Memo No.13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 02.09.2022, 19.09.2022 and 30.09.2022.
5.    G.O.Ms.No.180, School Education (Ser.I) Dept., Dated: 18.11.2022.
6.    This office Memo No.ESE02-12021/143/2022-EST 2-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 21.11.2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No.182, MA & UD (D1) Dept., Dated: 29.11.2022.
8. This office Letter Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST (3) 7-CSE, Dated: 03.12.2022.
9. Lr.Roc.No.21022/3/2022/E, dated: 12.12.2022 of the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P.
10.    This office Letter Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST (3) 7-CSE, Dated: 24.12.2022.
11.    Your Lr.No:Fin02-18067/3/2022-H SEC-DTA, Dated: 21.02.2023.
I wish to inform you that, in the reference 11th cited 303 new DDO Codes have been allotted to Municipal High Schools.

Further, I am to state that, I am submitting herewith the consolidated  list  of  mapping  of  Municipal  High  Schools  institution-wise/ DDO-wise, and I request you to issue necessary instructions to  the concerned authorities to map the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters in the state for the purpose of drawing salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Department, at an early date.
Encl: As above.

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