SCERT : Constitution of State Assessment Cell (SAC) by Deputation of Teachers

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Present: Sri. S.Suresh Kumar, IAS. 

Rc.No.ESEO2/653/2022-SCERT-1    Dated:21/01/2023

SCERT : Constitution of State Assessment Cell (SAC) by Deputation of Teachers

Sub: School Education - SCERT, A.P., Constitution of State Assessment Cell -    (SAC) at SCERT, AP— Deputation of certain Teachers to the positions of SAC — Orders — Issued.

Ref:-1.    This    office    Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02/653/2022-SCERT,    Dated: 09/11/2022.
2. Final selection list furnished by Education Initiatives (EI)    email dt. 13.01.2023 and 15.01.202

The attention of all the Regional joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 1St cited wherein,  applications  have been  called for from the eligible  and interested candidates, those who are working as Head Masters and School Assistants, SGTs of Govt./ ZP management schools for the deployment of their services to the positions into State Assessment Cell, in the S.C.E.R.T, A.P by way of deputation for strengthening of State Assessment Cell.

2.    In response to the notification issued, certain Headmasters, and teachers working in Government/ZP managements have submitted their applications to render their services in the State Assessment Cell in the O/o D’SCERT, AP on a deputation basis. Further, a written test was conducted on 11.12.2022 followed by an interview on 04.01.2023 as per the selection procedure suggested by the Education Initiatives (EI) which is the agency of Supporting Andhra's Learning Transformation (SALT) programme.

3.    In pursuance of the selections made as per the selection procedure specified in ref 1st cited above, the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh is pleased to consider the individuals (Annexure) on a deputation basis for two years initially to work on the State Assessment Cell in the O/o D’SCERT, AP with the following conditions.

1.    The deputed teachers must attend to the work/job assigned and entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time.
2.    The term of deputation will be terminated as a whole or part as and when noticed that the individual is not able to come up with the work/job entrusted/assigned by the higher authorities from time to time, without giving any prior notice.
3.    This deputation is issued purely on working arrangement and does not confirm any right to the candidates deputed to claim either seniority or regularization in the said post. An undertaking shall be executed by the candidates who are willing to perform their duties in a such working arrangement.
4.    The deputed teachers will be paid their salaries in their original posts from where they have been deputed.
5.    The deputed teachers shall abide by the orders of inspecting/appointing authorities concerned regarding  transfers, place of posting, re-apportionment process etc.

4.    Therefore, the Regional joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers concerned are requested to relieve the individuals working under their jurisdiction with instructions to report the Director, SCERT, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati within seven days from the receipt of these proceedings.

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