ROSA Rules meeting will be held on 11th January 12PM

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ROSA Rules meeting will be held on 11th January 12PM
ROSA Rules meeting will be held on 11th January 12PM

Sub:- Services Welfare- General Administration (SW) Department- Committee of Officers meeting scheduled will be held on 11.01.2023 at 12.00 PM in the chambers of Sri Rajat Bhargava, IAS, Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, (Excise, R&S) Revenue Department & the Chairman of the Committee To study on the existing ROSA Rules (Reorganization of Service Associations)2001 and bringing out new ROSA Rules in place of the existing ROSA Rules- Intimation - Reg.

Ref. 1. G.O.Ms.No.264, G.A(SW) Dept., dt.22.06.2001.

2. G.O.Ms.No.1257,G.A.(SW) Dept.,dt:30.07.2021. 3. Govt. Letter No.GAD01/SWOSERA/35/2021,dt.22.09.2021.

4. G.O.Ms.No.1279,G.A.(SW) Dept.,dt:01.07.2022.

5. Govt. Letter No.GAD01/SWOSERA/35/2021,Dated:05.07.2022. 


7. Govt. Letter No.GAD01/SWOSERA/35/2021-4,Dated:11.10.2022.

8. Govt. Letter No.GAD01/SWOSERA/35/2021-6,Dated:09.11.2022.

I am to invite kind attention to the subject cited and to Inform that the Officers meeting for study on the existing ROSA (Recognition of Service. Associations) Rules, 2001 and bringing out new ROSA Rules in place of the existing ROSA Rules, will be held on 11.01.2023 at 12.00 PM in the chambers of Sri Rajat Bhargava, IAS, Spl.Chief Secretary to Government, (Excise, R&S) Revenue Department & the Chairman of the Committee of officers in Room No.134, Ground Floor, Building No.4, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi, Amaravati.

2. I, request you to make it convenient to attend the said meeting.

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