Nadu Nedu Painting Works Certain Insructions
Circular .Rc.No. 1956769 /MBNN/2022, Dated.09/01/2023
Sub:- Mana Badi Nadu –Nedu – Certain instructions to Head Masters - on Painting - issued-Reg.
Ref: Decisions taken in the review meeting held with TSU (Technical Support Unit), APEWIDC and CPM Vendors of Drinking Water Systems and Paint companies.
As part of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu in Phase-I Progamme painting was taken up in all the Schools as part of the 10 components of the programme. Several complaints, reports and feedback from the Inspecting Ofcers and reports from Nadu Nedu PMU reveal that painting done in some Nadu Nedu Schools is peeling off as several instances of the painting being done without proper surface preparation such as Scraping and High pressure cleaning has come to light.
At few places,the quality of Painting is not upto the mark and there is visible deterioration in the form of peeling, blotches on the surface and fading, the painting quality will not be able to hold up for the guarantee period of 7 years given by the Painting Companies.
These issues were discussed in detail in the review meeting with the Paint companies and the following decisions are taken:
Starting from 10.01.2023, the two Painting Companies Berger and Asian Paints will visit all the Schools, Painted by them under Phase-I and identify the Schools where repainting of walls, rooms, doors and windows is required.
The concerned Head Master, Field Engineer (who supervised the work in Phase-I) and the company representative will go around the School and identify the areas to be repainted.
Once the areas are identifed the companies shall take up painting and complete the same by end of February-2023. While taking up Painting if the existing wall arts, labels and sign boards are disturbed the same shall be repainted.
All the DEO’s / APC’s shall ensure that the Head Masters, Field Engineers are available when the company representatives are inspecting the school premises.
The DEO’s / APC’s may please ensure that the Field Engineers who supervised the works in Phase-I shall supervise this activity personally and certify the rectifcation work along with the Head Master.
After doing the rectifcation the painting companies can take back the balance painting material stocked in the Schools.
On completion of the Painting work the Head Master, Field Engineer and the company will certify the quality of painting and sign the declaration confrming the quality of the painting, and the same will be uploaded to STMS.
After completion of certifcation by the Head Master and Field Engineer and the Company representative, Cross Audit will be taken up by sending special teams drawn from one District to another to inspect the quality of painting and re-certify the Painting quality.
Wherever Painting quality after rectifcation is also found to be poor, the cost would be recovered from the concerned staff and Field Engineers who have certifed the painting..
All the DEO’s / APS’s are requested to ensure that the Head Masters are available during the identifcation of areas to be repainted and during the repainting work.
The MD, APEWIDC will coordinate with the painting companies and ensure that the repainting of all needy Schools is completed by end of February-2023.
Download Proceedings and Format
DISTRICT: ……………………………………………. MANDAL: ………………………………………….. SCHOOL: …………………………………………… UDISE CODE: ………………………………….
Name of the Vendor: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………..
No. Component
Condition / status of
component Remarks
1 Internal Walls Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended: …………………………………………………..………………….
2 External Walls Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended ……………………………………………………..………………….
3 Doors Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended: …………………………………………………..………………….
4 Windows Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended: …………………………………………………..………………….
5 Compound Wall Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended: …………………………………………………..………………….
6 Iron Grills / Grill Gates Good Yes
If No, Repairs are to be attended: …………………………………………………..………………….
This is to certify that all the defects identified are rectified to our satisfaction and the works are complete in all respects.
HM Mandal Engineer Company Representative / Technician