Less Opening of RSTC's,NRSTC's and Seasonal Hostels - Explanation Called For

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Memo.No. SS-22022/5/2022-OSC SEC-SSA,      Dt. 19/01/2023

Sub.:-APSS  – OoSC, Amaravati  -   status of  RSTCs, NRSTCs and  Seasonal Hostels  in the  State  –  Explanations  called  for   -  Orders  Issued  – Regarding

Ref.: 1. Proc.  Rc.No.1268282/APSS/OSC/A10/2022,   21.07.2022  of    this office.

2. RC.No. SS-22022/5/2022-OSC  SED-SSA, Date: 29/07/2022 of  this office.

3. Rc.No. SS-22025/8/2020-OSC SED-SSA, Date: 31/10/2022 of  this office.

4. Instructions   of  the  Principal Secretary   to  Government,  School Education, A.P., Amaravati.



The attention of  the District Educational Officers & Ex Officio  Project Coordinators  and Additional  Project  Coordinators  of  Samagra  Shiksha in the  State  is  invited  to the  references  1st,  2nd  and  3rd  cited  and  are instructed  to open  RSTCs, NRSTCs and  Seasonal  Hostels  as per the PAB 2022-23 approvals. Present status of opened RSTCs, NRSTCs and  Seasonal Hostels in the State are as follows:

Less Opening of RSTC's,NRSTC's and Seasonal Hostels - Explanation Called For

Less Opening of RSTC's,NRSTC's and Seasonal Hostels - Explanation Called For

As seen  above  ,the  progress  in opening  of  NRSTCs/RSTCs/Seasonal Hostels    is very  poor.The  opened  RSTCs, NRSTCs and  Seasonal  Hostels report  in  the  State   shows  negligence  and  in  efficiency  in  identifying, training  and  mainstreaming  of   the  out of   school  children  and  viewed seriously by the Principal Secretary  to Government, School Education, A.P., Amaravati in the recent reviews.

Hence,the  ALSCOs  /  Asst.  ALSCOs  in the  State  are  instructed  to submit their  written  explanations  within three days from receiving  of  this order for  low  identifying the  approved  Prabandh  children and opening of RSTCs, NRSTCs and  Seasonal Hostels in the State  to take further action in this matter. And to submit the reasons where abouts of the children shown in the PAB .

The Additional  Project  Coordinators  of  Samagra  Shiksha in the State are  instructed  to  submit the  explanations  of   ALSCOs  /   Asst.  ALSCOs immediately.

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