Competetion for Students On Child Rights - Instructions Issued

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Rc. No. NCPCR 1/SCERT/2023, Dated: 24-01-2023

Sub: School Education SCERT NCPCR 18th Foundation of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Champions - Competition for Students on Child Rights Circulate Information - Regarding.

Ref: Lr. No. File No. 99-12/2022-23/NCPCR-PD(CH) Vol-1.DD 1893 from Priyank Kanoongo, Chair Person, NCPCR, dated 05th January, 2023.

All the District Educational Officers are Informed that, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is an apex statutory body of Government of India. To spread Child Rights literacy under section 13(1)(h) of CPCR Act, 2005, NCPCR is initiating a competition for school students, students in hostels, and children residing in Child Care Institutions. The competition has been divided into two groups:

(i) for the students of class 1st to 5th 

(ii) for the students of class 6th to 12th.

2. This is a platform for children to empower them of their rights and entitlements. Children have to select right answer from the multiple options given under a questionnaire under different theme on Child Rights on NCPCR's website on The link at NCPCR's website for registration and participation will be open from 12th January, 2023 on the occasion of "National Youth Day" and will be closed on 28th February, 2023.The details along with a write up and guidelines can be seen at the link mentioned above. After completion of response to the questionnaire the children will get a digital certificate for participation.

3. Districts and States for effective execution of competition shall be provided with certificate of appreciation on the occasion of NCPCR's 18th Foundation Day.

4. Hence, all the District Education Officers are instructed to encourage as many as children to participate in the competition

PROCEEDINGS OF THE DIRECTOR, STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL  RESEARCH AND TRAINING: ANDHRA PRADESH:: AMARAVATI.  PRESENT: Sri B.PRATAP REDDY.  Rc. No. NCPCR 1/SCERT/2023  Dated: 24-01-2023  Sub: School Education SCERT NCPCR 18th Foundation of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Champions - Competition for Students on Child Rights Circulate Information - Regarding.  Ref: Lr. No. File No. 99-12/2022-23/NCPCR-PD(CH) Vol-1.DD 1893 from Priyank Kanoongo, Chair Person, NCPCR, dated 05th January, 2023.  All the District Educational Officers are Informed that, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is an apex statutory body of Government of India. To spread Child Rights literacy under section 13(1)(h) of CPCR Act, 2005, NCPCR is initiating a competition for school students, students in hostels, and children residing in Child Care Institutions. The competition has been divided into two groups:  (i) for the students of class 1st to 5th (ii) for the students of class 6th to 12th.  2. This is a platform for children to empower them of their rights and entitlements. Children have to select right answer from the multiple options given under a questionnaire under different theme on Child Rights on NCPCR's website on The link https:/ at NCPCR's website for registration and participation will be open from 12th January, 2023 on the occasion of  Scanned with OKEN Scanner  "National Youth Day" and will be closed on 28th February, 2023.The details along with a write up and guidelines can be seen at the link mentioned above. After completion of response to the questionnaire the children will get a digital certificate for participation.  3. Districts and States for effective execution of competition shall be provided with certificate of appreciation on the occasion of NCPCR's 18th Foundation Day.  4. Hence, all the District Education Officers are instructed to encourage as many as children to participate in the competition.

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