Present: S.Suresh Kumar, I.A.S
Re. No:2/Spl/SCERT /2022 Dated:22-12-2022
Sub:- School Education - MOE, GOI - 6th Edition of ParikshaPeCharcha - The Unique interactive Program of Hon'ble Prime Minister with Students, Teachers & Parents - January 2023 - State Participation - Selection for quota -Short listing the students' registration -At erstwhile districts - Regarding.
Ref:- 1. Lr. No. D.0.No.6-1/2022-Desk(PMP)-Part(2) from MS.AnitaKarwal, IAS, Secretary dated zs" November 2022.
2. Lr. No. D.O.No.6-1-Desk (PMP) from Mr. Prachi Pandey, Joint Sectretary (EE.1) dated 2nd December 2022.
3. Memo.No.11-A&I-2019 Dated.O?" December 2022.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers and principals of DIETs of erstwhile districts is invited to the reference cited, that the Government of India has been conducting a flagship program called "Pariksha Pe Charcha" and a creative writing competition is being conducted at on various topics between 25th November 2022 and 30th December 2022 from class 9th to 12th students, teachers & parents.
2. In order to select participants in "Pariksha Pe Charcha"programme, the registered students data of erstwhile districts will be shared with the Principals of respective DIETs through mail, from time to time. The DEOs of erstwhile districts are instructed to coordinate with the Principals DIET to grade and sort out the entries of the students through the verification of the write-ups and questions to Prime Minister submitted by the Students.
3. The Principals DIET are to ensure that the final selected top 50 entries, under Students' category from the respective erstwhile districts by 27th December 2022 (Tuesday), SPM to the State Nodal Officer 0/o CSE at without fail.
4. In this context, the DEOs/ Principals DIETs are instructed to take utmost care in coordinating and completing the task before the due date Z7th December 2022 (Tuesday), SPM.
5. The following are the guidelines to be followed in the selection of final entries:
.. i) Principals of DIETs1espective districts are the District Nodal Officers, to liaison With the state office for the purpose of completing this event.
ii) to depute the teaching faculty of DIETs to sort out the list. They are required to check the write ups submitted by the students in given eight themes, grade them into A, B, C and D (List Enclosed).
iii) further the 'A' graded- top most 10 Students list and total list(A,B,C & D graded) are to be shared separately with state Nodal Officer mail id, Pareeksha Pe charcha 2023.
iv)The team involved in the programme has to maintain the confidentiality. Any deviations from this, will be viewed seriously.
4. If any further details contact Smt, Venkata Lakshmamma (Deputy Diretor), State Nodal Officer, 0/o CSE, Amaravati on Mob.9618403057. Encl. Annexure-11 (Themes).