Upgradation of existing High Schools / KGBVS into High School Plus - Instructions, List

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Sub: School Education - Establishment of Junior colleges - one exclusive for girls in every Mandal in the State - Upgradation of existing High Schools / KGBVS into High School Plus in the State - Certain Instruction Issued - Regarding. 

Upgradation of existing High Schools / KGBVS into High School Plus - Instructions, List

Upgradation of existing High Schools / KGBVS into High School Plus - Instructions, List

Rc. No.31/A&I/2022 Dated: 05/07/2022


1) Lr.Rc.No.31/A&I/2022-1, dt: 12.05.2022 addressed to the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP.

2) Lr.Rc.No.31/A&I/2022-2,dt:12.05.2022 addressed the to Commissioner of Intermediate Education, AP.

3) Proposals from (Erstwhile) the DEOS in the state.  

4) Lr.Rc.No.31/A&I/2022-1, dt: 19.05.2022 addressed to Government of AP.

5) G.O.Rt.No.85, Dt:06.06.2022 of the Govt., of AP. 6) SSC Results released dt: 06.06.2022.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education / District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references read above, and they are informed that the Government has taken up a decision prestigiously for Establishment of Junior colleges in one exclusive for girls in every Mandal in the State.

In the reference 1st read above, the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP was requested to take necessary action for upgrading 328 KGBVS as full-fledged High School Plus.

In the reference 2nd read above, a letter was addressed to the Commissioner of Intermediate of AP with a request to take necessary action to convert One Govt Jr. College (Co-education) into Govt. Jr. College for Girls where there are more than one Govt. Junior College functioning in those (13) Mandals and also requested to ensure necessary amenities are to be provided in the Colleges so as to start classes for next academic year 2022-23 in the matter. Accordingly, the Government has issued G.O.Rt.No.85, Dt: 06.06.2022 regard to conversion of one Govt., Junior college as Govt., Junior college for girls, which are having more than one Govt. Junior college in the Mandal and not having Govt., Junior college for Girls.

In the reference 3rd read above, it is known that 292 Mandals have been identified, where there is no Govt. Jr. College for Girls and KGBVS. The DEOS have submitted the proposals for Upgradation of High Schools in these Mandals into High School Plus for Girls.

The reference 4th read a proposal has been submitted to the Government to issue necessary orders for up-gradation of 292 High Schools in to High Schools Plus for Girls with three groups ie., MPC, BIPC and CEC @ 40 students to each group from the academic year 2022-23.

In the reference 6th read above, the SSC results were released on 06.06.2022, hence the qualified students will be continued to the next classes ie., up to + 2 classes in the upgraded high schools. The upgraded High Schools Plus will be accommodated with one or two groups MPC/BIPC initially from the academic year 2022-23 based on the choice/request/requirement of the Students / Parents in all the Mandals.

Further they are informed that the Govt. Junior Colleges will be reopened on 1st July, 2022 for the academic year 2022-23 in the State.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue the following instructions to all Headmasters of upgraded High Schools into High School+ for Girls:

i. To give wide publicity for upgradation of High Schools in to High School Plus in the Mandals in their respective jurisdictions.

ii. To start admissions for XI Class in these Upgraded High Schools+ Girls for groups MPC and BIPC initially for the academic year 2022-23. The MPC/ BIPC groups will be continued based on the joining of the girls students in these groups.

iii. To start High Schools+ for girls on 1st July, 2022 on par with the Govt. Jr. Colleges are re-opened.

 iv. To issue instructions to all HMs of Govt/ ZPHS, which are selected for upgradation of High Schools in to High School for Girls to keep ready the Classrooms, Labs, Libraries etc., If Lab facilities are not available in the selected High Schools, utilize the Labs of nearby A.P. Model Schools, Govt. Jr. College (Co-education) etc.,

v. Utilise the service of existing teaching faculty for Class XI in their respective High Schools until necessary arrangements are made.

These instructions should be followed scrupulously followed.

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