NEP Schools Mapping - Teachers Work Adjustment - Parvathi Puram Manyam DEO Clear Instructions

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 School Education - National Educational Policy 2020 - Mapping of schools -Adjustment of teachers - maintenance of school records -orders -issued.

NEP Schools Mapping - Teachers Work Adjustment - Parvathi Puram Manyam DEO Clear Instructions

NEP Schools Mapping - Teachers Work Adjustment - Parvathi Puram Manyam DEO Clear Instructions

NEP Schools Mapping - District Wise Final Merging Schools List as on 05.07.2022


Present:Sri. P.Brahmaji Rao, M.Com, B.Ed.,

Rc.No.383/B6/2021 Dt.04.07.2022

Ref:- 1. GO.MSNO.117 School Education (Ser II) Dept, Dt 10.06.2022

2.Procgs ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE Par (7), Et 13.06.2022 of the commissioner of School Education, A.p, Amaravathi.

3.This office Procgs. Rc.No.383/B6/2021 Dt 20.12.2021 & 28.12.2021.

4.RC.No. ESE02-13/90/2021-EST 3-CSE-Part(5) Date:04/07/2022 of the Commissioner of School Education AP, Amaravathi.


In the reference 4th cited, the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Amaravathi has issued instructions to all the District Educational Officers in the state to issue directions to the Deputy Educational Officers. Mandal Educational Officers and Headmasters to send the students and adjust the teachers of Foundation Plus schools and Pre-High Schools in which the students of classes 3,4,5 of Foundation plus schools mapped to the Pre-High Schools / High Schools within radius of 1 KM and students of classes 6,7,8 of Pre-High Schools mapped to High Schools within radius of 3 KMS approved by the District Selection Committee as per the orders of Government in G.O.Ms.No.117, dt:10.06.2022 until completion of teachers transfer counseling and also to handover the Transfer Certificate/ Record Sheet of the students. Mapped to Pre-High Schools or High Schools to the Head Masters of Pre-High Schools or High School duly ensuring that no record of the student is missed / tore and No separate register should be maintained for these students. They have to update these students in the existing registers.

The CSE AP have further informed that, after the completion of said exercise, if any teacher is found Surplus in Foundation plus, Pre-High School and High School they may be temporarily adjusted within the School Complex or within the same mandal is per the norms of RTE until completion of Promotions and Teachers Transfer Counseling.

Therefore, the DYEOs & MEOs and HMs are hereby instructed

1. To find the list of final mapped schools annexed to these progs. and send the students of class 3 to 5 / 3 to 8 to the those mapped schools only.

2 The schools effected under mapping process during previous academic year up to 250 mts distance is hereby reviewed as per availability of class rooms and the list communicated at para I shall only be treated as mapping schools in the district.

3.The MEOs and School complex HM shall adjust the subject teachers to the needy mapping High schools as per CSE orders and G0.117 scrupulously and submit the particulars of adjusted teachers in the proforma communicated herewith.

4.All the previous work adjustments made to NEP schools upto 250 mts shall be stands cancelled and fresh work adjustment should be taken up.

5.Similarly, those students who are earlier tagged to NEP schools and now not covereciinder mapped schools should be tagged and sent to the Primary schools itself.

6. While adjusting the teachers, if the qualified senior teacher is not willing, junior most qualified teacher shall may be adjusted to Mapped HS.

a.If 2 or more qualified teachers found surplus, junior among them shall adjust first

b.If one of them having qualifications then qualified teacher only be adjusted. 

c.If all the surplus teachers have no qualifications. then junior among them shall be adjusted if senior not willing.

7. PSHM shall only be allotted to FPS only as per Go. 117.

8. Adjustment of teachers shall be made within the Mandal and School Complex level only.

9. The Pre-Primary schools upgraded into HS (annexed to these procgs.) shall be considered as High Schools from this academic year onwards and the staffing pattern may be as per GO 117.

10. After arriving the complete requirement of the subject teachers at mapping HS, the ME0s/School Complex 1-1Ms shall submit the surplus teacher's data to DyE0s for onward submission of the same to this office for further instructions.

11. The work adjustments shall be done as per surplus/need which was exercised and submitted earlier during rationalization work in mapped schools.

Note: These orders are specifically only for Mapped schools to these proceedings and work adjustments should be limited only to the mapped schools. Primary to primary / Other than mapped schools work adjustments should not be entertained.

Therefore. The Mandal Educational Officers & Heads of the Institutions are instructed to relieve/admit teachers concerned with immediate effect with instructions to report before their new stations and furnish Relieving/Joining reports to the under signed in a prescribed proforma.

The salaries of the drafted teachers will be drawn and disbursed by the present DDOs as usual until further orders subject to receipt of the monthly duty certificate from the concerned Heads of the Institutions.

These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.

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