AP KGBVs Online Transfers 2022 Guidelines

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AP KGBVs Online Transfers Guidelines AP KGBVs Teaching Staff Transfers 2022 Entitlement Points - Common Points  Special points (Extra Points) Notification of Vacancies School Education Department - Guidelines for Online Transfer of teaching staff working in KGBVs for the year 2022-23 - Orders - Issued

AP KGBVs Online Transfers 2022 Guidelines

AP KGBVs Online Transfers 2022 Guidelines

AP KGBV Teachers Transfers Guidelines 2022 -23 G.O.Rt.No.103  Dated:29.06.2022

Read: From the State Project Director, APSS, vide e-file No: SS­21021/53/2022-IED & KGBV-SSA, Computer No:1742219 Dated: 20.06.2022.


  In the circumstances stated by the State Project Director, APSS, in the reference read above, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby issue the following transfer guidelines:

Guidelines for Online Transfer of teaching staff working in KGBVs for the year 2022-23 Criteria for Transfer:

  1. The transfers will be effect for Teaching Staff in all the KGBVs erstwhile districts.
  2. The Teaching Staff i.e., Principal, CRTs, PETs and PGTs who have completed 2 years of services at a station as on 31.05.2022 shall be eligible to apply for request transfer.
  3. In respect of Principals of the KGBVs who have completed 5 years of service shall be transferred compulsorily.
  4. In respect of CRTs, PETs who have completed 8 years of service as on 31.05.2022 in a particular KGBV shall be transferred compulsorily.
  5. The number of years of service completed in a particular KGBV, in a particular cadre should be taken into consideration.
  6. The KGBV teaching staff who are transferred on disciplinary and administrative grounds previously shall not be considered for transfer at present.
  7. Transfer shall be made within the district only.
  8. In respect of the Inter-District transfer, transfer should be considered on mutual grounds.

Entitlement Points - Common Points - 17 Points

  1. The seniority in the cadre as on 31.05.2022 shall be taken into
  2. For every completed 1 year of service- one point.
  3. When the service points are equal, Priority shall be given basing on the Seniority in the cadre and in case of a Tie in Points secured then the date of birth (senior) shall be considered.

Special points (Extra Points) - 3 points

  1. Unmarried woman 3 points
  2. KGBV staff whose spouse belongs to State Government 
  3. or Central Government or Public sector undertaking or Local body, AP Residential Educational Institutions, societies, Aided Institutions or A.P. Model Schools and working in the same district, Contract and Outsourcing in any State Government and Samagra Shiksha - 3 points

Preferential Category:

The following categories shall be taken precedence in the seniority lists, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.

  1. Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70% / Visually Challenged / Orthopedically Handicapped / Hearing Impaired not less than 40%.
  2. Widows/Legally separated shall be considered (Document of evidence shall be uploaded).
  3. The applicant who are suffering with the following diseases, in which she is undergoing treatment.
  4. Cancer
  5. Open Heart Surgery/ Correction of ASD/Organ transplantation.
  6. Neuro Surgery
  7. Bone TB
  8. Kidney Transplantation
  9. Spinal surgery
  10. Applicants with dependents i.e., Mother, Father, children, Spouse who are mentally retarded and are undergoing treatment.
  11. Applicant with dependent children who are suffering with the following decease and undergoing treatment.
  12. Children suffering with holes in the Hearts by Birth.
  13. Juvenile Diabetes
  14. Thalassemia
  15. Hemophilia
  16. Muscular Dystrophy
  17. Spouse of the service/Ex-service person in Army / Navy / Air Force / BSF / CRPF / CISF. (Certificates issued by the competent Authority shall be uploaded).


Where the preferential category is claimed on health grounds as per the above guidelines a certificate from District Medical Board / Superintendent of Regional / State Level Institution / Hospital State Medical Board should be produced along with the application.

a) Principal should avail either the preferential category or special points ones in 5 years only.

b) CRTs and PETs should avail either the preferential category or special points ones in 8 years only.

Notification of Vacancies

The following vacancies shall be notified for the purpose of counselling.

  1. Existing vacancies.
  2. All the vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers.
  3. Resultant vacancies arising during counselling.
  4. Vacancies existing due to authorized / unauthorized absence of Staff of KGBV for more than 1 year.

Note: Leave period vacancies likely to arise due to maternity leave, medical leave should not to be displayed or filled in this counselling. They can be filled up by work adjustment.

District Level Committee:

All the transfers shall be processed only by online application, applications filled and options exercised by applicant. Transfer orders will be issued by the following Committee constituted for this purpose in each district.

  1. District Collector  (His  Nominee) -  Chairman
  2. District Educational Officer & - Member Ex-officio Project Coordinator
  3. Project Coordinator - Member-Convener Samagra Shiksha
  4. Principal, DIET Member

  • The committee shall arrive at the number of vacancies i.e. the difference between sanctioned and working in each cadre.
  • After the last date for applying for Transfer as per schedule, the seniority list shall be prepared, using software for generating the entitlement points category wise and subject wise. The seniority list with entitlement points shall be published in the website specified for the purpose and also on the notice board of DEO & Ex-officio Project Coordinator and in the notice board of Addl. Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha of the respective district.
  • The Teaching Staff who has submitted their application to State Office for seeking transfer stand cancelled and shall not be considered for these Teaching Staff who have submitted their applications previously shall apply necessarily through online, if they required transfer.
  • No application will be considered physically.
  • No applications will be entertained after the online transfers process is
  • The process of transfers will be effect for one time. No representations seeking transfers will be entertained after the completion of online

Guidelines for Online Application and Process for Web Assisted Counselling:

  1. The Principals/CRTs/PETs working in KGBVs shall apply for transfer in the prescribed online services for web based allotment (Allotted by APCFSS, Vijayawada).
  2. Only online applications received shall be considered for Transfer and processed further.
  3. The staff who are eligible as per the criteria prescribed in the above guidelines may apply online through website specified for the purpose in the prescribed proforma and the particulars furnished in the proforma shall be final and no modification shall be allowed.
  4. After completion of the online submission, the applicants shall there after obtain the printout of the application along with enclosures from the specified website and submit the same duly signed to the Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha of the concerned district.
  5. An applicant seeking to apply under preferential categories / spouse category shall also submit application along with the latest relevant certificate from the competent authority in this regard.
  6. After receipt of applications, the authorities concerned shall display the provisional seniority list and call for objections if any. After redressing the objections / grievances, the authority shall display the final seniority list along with the entitlement points in the website / notice board of DEO office and Samagra Shiksha office.
  7. Once the applicant submit an application through online it shall be No applicant is allowed to apply twice on online.
  8. If there are any objections/grievances regarding seniority, the applicants can submit the same through the online link provided and the same will be forwarded to the DEOs and APCs concerned. The DEOs & APCs shall verify all the objections/grievances carefully and can reject or edit the details in application accordingly.
  9. The Addl. Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha of the respective district shall cross verification of all objections and pass orders disposing of the same. In case where objections are upheld, the Project Coordinators shall make necessary corrections in the seniority list and publish the same on website.
  10. The District Collector and Chairman, Samagra Shiksha shall be the competent authority for issue of transfer orders based on the final outcome of the web options exercised.
  11. The Addl. Project Coordinator of the district concerned is responsible for the implementation of the transfer orders in the most transparent manner without giving any scope for complaints /
  12. The Principals, CRTs/ PETs of KGBV who are on transfer shall be relieved within 7 days from the present place of working on receipt of the transfer orders and she shall join in the new KGBV where they are replaced on the next day of issue / receipt of orders. Provided the CRTs / PETs (including subject CRTs / PETs) who are transfer under counselling shall be relieved subject to the
  13. condition that there shall be 50% of regular CRTs / PETs (fraction shall be treated as \one) working in the KGBV and also only the senior CRTs / PETs (including subject CRTs / PETs) shall be
  14. The KGBV staff who has any grievance on the Transfer counselling may appeal before the State Project Director, APSS with evidence in support of their claim within 7days of completion of transfers.

The SPD, APSS, shall take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.

AP KGBVs Transfers 2022 Guidelines download

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