We Love Reading Youtube Live Session by CSE AP on 11.05.2022 @ 5PM - Watch here

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We Love Reading Youtube Live Session by CSE AP on 11.05.2022 @ 5PM - Watch here

YOUTUBE Live Session On Guidelines on ‘We Love Reading’ by the Commissioner of School Education to the SCERT, RJDSEs, DEOs, DIET, DyEOs, APCs, DCEBs, MEOs & HMs (Pri, UP & High Schools) at 5 pm on 11.05.2022.

LIVE AT 5PM ON 11.05.2022


DATE : 11.05.2022


 "We Love Reading" - To inculcate the habit of reading among the students Issue library books to the students during the summer vacation - Issue Instructions

Rc.No.30/A&1/2022 Date: 04/05/2022

Sub: School Education - "We Love Reading" - To inculcate the habit of reading among the students Issue library books to the students during the summer vacation - Issue Instructions to all the Deputy Educational Officers, Mandal Educational Officers / Headmasters - Certain Instructions - Issued.

Read This office Proc. Rc. No. 24/A&1/2022, dated: 23-4-2022

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education / all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the subject cited above and they are informed that in the ref. 1st read above necessary instructions were already issued to them to run the schools for the students upto 5th May, 2022 duly declaring the summer holidays from 6th July, 2022 and schools will be reopened on 4th July, 2022 for the Academic Year 2022-23.

Further they are informed that one of the main aims of the Education is the holistic development of a student's personality. Schools are providing learning opportunities to the students to improve their learning skills. Reading is one of the major skills in the education system. In addition, reading can be a fun and imaginative time for children, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for them. Reading skills have a profound influence on the development of their cognitive skills. Reading skill is crucial and should be inculcated among the students by encouraging them to take books from the library and to become a continuous and lifelong reader.

Further, informed that this is the right time for implementation of the "We Love Reading Programme" (WLR) for a systemic transformation of all the students from non-readers to fluent readers with complete comprehension by encouraging the students to read a good number of library books during the summer vacation.

Hence, following instructions are issued to the Headmasters and Teachers for implementation of the We Love Reading Programme in the schools:

  • To distribute the library books to the students before (closing of the academic year) the last working day of the school for the academic year 2021-22.
  • The books will be distributed according to their standard and reading ability.
  • Inform the students to exchange the books among the students in their villages/ wards after completion of reading the books which they have taken.
  • After 30 days the Headmasters shall ask the students to come to school to take new books and to return old books.
  • And also inform the students to be ready to perform various activities such as storytelling story writing, elocution, debates, discussions, performing arts like drama, playlet, mono action etc., on reopening day from the books which they have read.
  • And also inform them special appreciation shall be given to the students who have read 20 and more books during the summer vacation.

Follow up activities will be taken up by SCERT in the next academic year to assess the implementation of We Love Reading Programme in the Schools. Student wise, teacher wise and school wise assessment will be undertaken and best performers in different categories will be felicitated. Further, "We love reading" will be appropriately incorporated in the academic calendar from next year as an integral component.

Therefore, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue above instructions to all Field Officers and Headmasters of Govt./ ZP/ Aided Management Schools in the State to implement the We Love Reading programme to inculcate the habit of reading among the students and to utilize the summer holidays effectively.


DIRECT YOUTUBE LIVE LINK : https://youtu.be/X9StJHCaAio

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