SSC Spot Valuation 2022 Instructions Issued

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[Present: Sri D Devananda Reddy, M.Sc., n.Ed]

Rc.No.150/J-2/2022, Dated: 05.05.2022

SUB: SSC Public Examinations, April/May 2022 Conduct of Spot-Valuation -Certain Instructions - Orders issued - Reg. 

REF: 1) This Office Lr's on Rc.No. 105/J-2/2022, Dated: 23.03.2022.

2) This Office D.O. Letters on Rc.No.150/J-2/2022, Dated: 01.04.2022.


All the District Education Officers in the state are instructed to follow the guidelines in connection with the conduct of Spot-Valuation of the SSC Public Examinations, April/May 2022 which is scheduled to be conducted from 13.05.2022 to 22.05.2022 both days inclusive for 10 days continuously throughout the state in all the 13 spot valuation camps situated in district headquarters.

1) The DEO/Camp Officer should not leave the camp during the camp timings under any circumstances on spot valuation days and he should take frequent rounds to the rooms to check the unauthorized persons moving within the camp and also in the rooms during spot valuation camp.

2) The seating arrangements for all the camp staff should be in the spacious rooms only and not to give scope to accommodate them to sit under shamiyanas and in the corridors of the building. 

3) The infrastructure facilities such as Tube Lights, fans especially the drinking water and Butter-milk provided without any interruption.

4) In case of more number of AEs are required as per the scripts allotted o their camps and they can appoint more number of AES duly following the guidelines issued for appointment of them under intimation to the Director of Government Examinations.

5) The Examiners should not use Mobiles during the camp timings. 

6) The Part-III OMRS shall reach the Office of Directorate of Government Examinations on 15.05.2022 forenoon. One Office Subordinate or any suitable person may be accompanying Special Messenger who brings the Part-III OMR gunny bags. The OMR sealed bundles shall be sent on the name and address of Sri B Saibaba, Deputy Commissioner, 0/0 Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada.

7) The Part-I OMR sheets along with other centre material shall be kept in trunk boxes. The Strong Room keys in which the trunk boxes are kept shall be handed over to the RJDSES concerned in a sealed cover on or before 11.05.2022 without fail.

8) Tight Security shall be maintained with the assistance of police personnel right from the beginning day of the camp and till to completion of the camp.

9) After completion of spot valuation, the list of CES/AEs/Special Assistants shall be submitted immediately to the O/o DGE, A.P.

Therefore all the DEOS are instructed to make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of Spot Valuation Camp in smooth manner.

SSC Spot Valuation 2022 Instructions Issued

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