Cancellation of those Deputations, Foreign Services with out approval of CSE Order Issued

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Present: Sri S Suresh Kumar, I.A.S.,

Rc.No.ESE02-13027/95/2020-EST 3-CSE            dated:11/05/2022

Cancellation of those Deputations with out approval of CSE Order Issued

Sub:  School Education – Orders / Guidelines on the issue of deputations and FST& conditions in respect of employees – instructions on cancellation of those deputation  /  FST&C  orders  issued  without  approval of  CSE  or Government – Orders – Issued.

Read: 1. Certain representations received from Individual teachers/ Public representatives, Officers of other departments.

2. This Office Procs.Rc.No.140/A&I/2020-1, dated:17.06.2020.


Attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference read above, wherein certain individual teachers, Public representatives and  Officers of other departments are requesting to issue deputation / FST Condition orders to the teachers to work in other departments and in Academic /Non-academic posts.

Government in G.O.Ms.No.10, Finance & Planning (FW.FR.II) Department, dated 22.1.1993 has issued the guidelines and conditions of deputation were issued wherein it is ordered that,

"The period of deputation shall be subject to a maximum of five years of which the initial period of deputation upto 3 years shall be sanctioned by the Head of the Department if he is the competent authority to order transfers and postings of his subordinates. Otherwise, the Government in the Administrative Department not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to Government shall issue orders sanctioning the deputation of Foreign Service. Extension beyond the initial period of 3 years i.e., for a further period upto 2 years shall be decided by the concerned Secretary to Government where such extension is considered necessary in public interest.”

Further,  Government  in  G.O.Ms.No.128  &129  Finance  (FR.I) Department, dt.01.06.2007 has issued orders amending the Fundamental rule 18- A where in the government servant shall be deemed to have resigned from the service if he continues on foreign service beyond the period approved by the State Government provided that a reasonable opportunity to explain the reason for such absence or continuation on foreign service shall be given to the Govt, servant before the provisions of this sub-rule are invoked.

Further Government in G.O.Ms.No.2, Finance(FR.II)Department., Dated: 02.01.2010 have issued orders stipulating the cooling period between One deputation to another deputation of Government employees who have availed the maximum period of deputation of 5 years either in one organization or in different organizations, they have to necessarily work at least one year in the parent department before they are considered for further deputation to any organization.

In   the   reference   2nd    read   above   orders   were   issued   regarding Strengthening  of  all  Teacher  Education  Institutions  by  filling  up  of  all  the regular vacancies in IASEs, CTE, DIETs and B.P.Ed by way deputations from eligible HM/School Assistants duly constituting Committee.

As per the above guidelines / rules issued by the Government from time to time it is evident that, certain District Educational Officers have deviated the rules. Therefore all the District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed to:

i.  Review all the deputation orders issued by them in terms of the G.Os mentioned above without the approval of HoD i.e., Commissioner of School Education, AP, Amaravathi with regard to the persons deputed below 3 Years, duly cancelling all the deputation awarded to teachers / Head Masters. Fresh proposals may be send to Commissioner of School Education, AP, Amaravati with proper justification only in case where the deputation is so essential and unavoidable.

ii. To submit proposals for ratification in respect of deputations of teachers / Head Masters working under the control of Samagra Siksha in the State / districts if it is done as per the approval of three men Committee, but without approval of Commissioner of School Education, AP.

iii. To fix up the responsibility on the concerned officers deviating the norms and continuing the teachers on deputation without orders of HOD / Government  and  extending  their  services  beyond  3  Years  /  5  Years without following cooling period and re-appointing the individuals on deputation basis under Foreign Service terms and conditions.

iv.  To initiate action against the Government servant who is continuing on Foreign Service beyond period approved by the Government as per G.O.Ms.No.128 &129 Finance (FR.I) Department, dt.01.06.2007.

Further all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to cancel all the deputation orders issued basing on the instructions issued vide this office Procs.Rc.No.140/A&I/2020-1, dated:17.06.2020 to the teachers working in Teacher Education Institutions i.e., DIETs/CTEs/ IASEs/B.P.Ed.   Separate guidelines / instructions will be issued for filling up of all the regular vacancies in IASEs, CTE, DIETs and B.P.Ed institutions by way deputations from eligible candidates before starting of next academic year.

Top priority should be given to this item of work.

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Cancellation of those Deputations with out approval of CSE Order Issued

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