Aided Staff Retirement Age : ఎయిడెడ్ కాలేజీల్లో పని చేస్తున్న నాన్ టీచింగ్ సిబ్బంది పదవీ విరమణ వయస్సు పెంపు పై సమాచార సేకరణ ఉత్తర్వులు

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 Aided Staff Retirement Age : ఎయిడెడ్ కాలేజీల్లో పని చేస్తున్న నాన్ టీచింగ్ సిబ్బంది పదవీ విరమణ వయస్సు పెంపు పై సమాచార సేకరణ ఉత్తర్వులు


Memo.No.46/Estt./OP.1/2022, Dated:09.05.2022.

Sub:- PUBLIC SERVICES - Collegiate Education Department - Extend the Enhancement of Age of superannuation from 60 years to 62 years to Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges - Certain information - Called for.

Ref:- Government letter No.1705452/MC.A1/2022, Higher Education (MC) Department, dated 27.04.2022.


The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education in the State is invited to the reference read above and are informed that the Government have requested to furnish the information regarding number of regular employees, cadre wise working in PSUS, Corporations and Societies etc., for consideration of the request on extension of the age of superannuation from 60 to 62 years.

The RJDCES are therefore requested to furnish the information in respect of the teaching and non teaching staff working in Private Aided Colleges under their jurisdiction in the following proforma, so as to submit report to Government in the matter. 

Further, the RIDCES are requested to furnish the information in respect of staff drawing Minimum Time Scale (except contractual staff drawing MTS) working as per any court orders or Act 2 of 1994 in a separate table in the above format.

This should be treated as most urgent and information should be furnished by 11.05.2022 without fail.

Aided Staff Retirement Age : ఎయిడెడ్ కాలేజీల్లో పని చేస్తున్న నాన్ టీచింగ్ సిబ్బంది పదవీ విరమణ వయస్సు పెంపు పై సమాచార సేకరణ ఉత్తర్వులు

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