Students Promotion lists 2021-22 Software's

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School Education– SCERT-AP –Assessments- Summative Assessment-2 for classes I to IX during 2021-22 – Timetable communicated -Reg

Further, they are also directed to instruct the Head of institutions concerned to submit the class wise promotion lists of the students to their respective inspecting authorities within 15 days of completion of the assessment

While awarding the grades, internal marks should be calculated for 3 Formatives and One Summative Assessment -1 i.e., 20% of 230 marks, three formatives- 3 X 50=150 marks and one Summative- 1X80 = 80 marks in total 230 marks duly following the 8 point scale in respect of classes VI to IX and 5 point scale in respect of classes I to V.

Here are some software's to dwonload

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Excel for Primary Classes 1-5

Excel for High School class 6 - 10

Students Promotion lists 2021-22 Software's

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