WEA Should Visit Schools MDM Thrice in a Week - Orders Issued

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WEA are instructed to visit their respective schools (Jagananna Gorumudda) thrice in a week with out fail...orders issued

Lr.Rc.No. ESE02-27021/28/2022-MDM CSE, Dated: 25/03/2022


Sub School Education-Jagananna Gorumudda Scheme-Monitoring through Mobile App by Education welfare Assts.-Un mapped schools with Secretariat codes - Req- Reg.

Ref 1.Govt.Memo num. ESE01 SEDNOCSE(MDM)/12/2020 Dated:04.03.2020

2.Review meeting by Special C.S. to Hon'ble CM review 14.03.2022 


I wish to inform that, the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh is implementing the scheme of Jagananna Gorumudda in schools and it is an important flagship programme. Further, Hon'ble Chief minister has given instructions for the monitoring and supervision of implementation of Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) scheme through 4 tier monitoring system consisting of Head Master, Parents committee, Welfare&Education Asst/ward Welfare Development Secretary, Village Organisation/Slum Level Federation and all the officers in the School Education department.

In continuation with the instructions of Hon'ble Chief Minister, an App and dash board has been developed and Training was conducted at the field levels to equip the field functionaries.

The Special Chief Secretary to the Hon'ble C.M. has conducted review on 14.03.2022 on quality of Jagananna Gorumudda and instructed to increase the inspections by all stake holders under 4 tier monitoring mechanism. It is noticed that only 3000 Welfare& Education Assts are inspecting the schools per day on an average out of 15003 and also noticed that, the 1580 village/ ward secretariats codes were not mapped to any school out of 15003 Secretariats.

Therefore, I request to direct the district authorities to direct the Welfare Assts. to inspect the Jagananna Gorumudda thrice in a week without fail and instructed to contact Head masters of the schools covered under their secretariat for secretariat code mapping as the services is already given in HM service in IMMS app for EWA mapping. List of unmapped secretariat codes are with attached for further action.

This may be treated as top priority

Yours faithfully

B Mohamed Diwan Mydeen


Letter No:1683297/GVWV&VSWS/J/2022

Sub: GVWV & VSWS Dept - Jagananna Gorumudda Scheme- Monitoring through Mobile App by Welfare & Education Assistants / WE&DPS Un Mapped Schools with Secretariat codes shall be mapped- Take necessary action -Requested- Regarding. Ref: Lr Rc no:ESE02-27021/28/2022-MDM/CSE DT:25-03-2022 of the Director, Mid Day Meal & SS Vijayawada.


I invite your attention to the subject and reference cited.

Copy of the reference cited is herewith communicated to all the Joint Collectors (VWS&D) in the State and requested to take necessary action in the matter as requested by the Director, Mid Day Meal & SS Vijayawada. Further requested to ensure Mapping of Un-Mapped Schools by the Welfare & Education Assistants / WE&DPS

Yours Sincerely,

B Ramesh Babu

For Director, GVWV&VSWS.

WEA Should Visit Schools MDM Thrice in a Week - Orders Issued

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