Ramzan Permission : రంజాన్ సందర్భంగా ముస్లిం ఉద్యోగులకు 1 గంట పర్మిషన్ ఇవ్వమని కోరిన వక్ఫ్ బోర్డ్ డైరెక్టర్

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ANDHRA PRADESH STATE WAQF BOARD. 4th Floor, Imdadghar Complex, Opp: Head Post Office, Kaleswara Rao Market, Vijayawada

Ramzan Permission : రంజాన్ సందర్భంగా ముస్లిం ఉద్యోగులకు 1 గంట పర్మిషన్ ఇవ్వమని కోరిన వక్ఫ్ బోర్డ్ డైరెక్టర్

F.No.E1/14/2016, Dated: 29-03-2022


The Addl. Secretary to Government, (Proto), General Administration (Poll. A) Dept.,

Government of Andhra Pradesh, A.P Secretariat, Velagapudi,

Guntur District


L Abdul Khadir, B.E., M.I.E.

The Chief Executive Officer (FAC) A.P. State Waqf Board,



Sub:- APSWB. Estt. Festivals Ramzan Festival 2022 Permission to all Government Employees of A.P belonging to Muslim Religion including Teachers Outsourcing and contract employees to leave Offices / Schools early an hour from 03.04.2022 to 03.05.2022-necessary orders - Req - Reg.

Ref:- 1.Circular Memo No. 577/Poll.A/A2/2017-2, Dated:02.06.2017 received from General Administration (Poll.A) Department, Government of A.P 2. This office even letter, dated: 08.04.2021.

I invite kind attention to the subject and reference cited. It is to state, every year during the auspicious month of Ramzan, the Government of A.P permits its employees of Muslim community to leave the office one hour before the closing time in eve of the fasting.

For the current year the month of Ramzan is to be commenced from 2nd and 3rd April 2022. As such, the Government is requested to kindly accord permission and to facilitate all its muslim employees of the state working in various Govt. Depts, corporations, Boards, autonomous bodies etc to leave the offices are at 4:30 P.M from 03.04.2022 to 03.05.2022. The early orders in the matter are solicited.

Yours faithfully,


Copy Submitted to: 

The Principal Secretary to Government, Minorities Welfare Department, A.P Secretariat, Velgapudi,

Copy to:

1. The Commissioner, Minorities Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

4th Floor, T.G Plaza, Opp: Manipal Hospital, Tadepalli, Guntur District. 2. P.A to Chairperson /P.A to C.E.O.

Ramzan Permission : రంజాన్ సందర్భంగా ముస్లిం ఉద్యోగులకు 1 గంట పర్మిషన్ ఇవ్వమని కోరిన వక్ఫ్ బోర్డ్ డైరెక్టర్

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