Change of the nomenclature of the MRC as O/o MEO - CSE Orders
Change of the nomenclature of the MRC as O/o MEO - Orders MRC Name Changed as MEO office ap edn dept mrc is now called as mandal educational office School Education - Change of the nomenclature of the Mandal Resource Centre as Mandal Educational Office Orders - Issued.
Memo. No. ESE02-12021/33/2022-EST 2 CSE, Dated 30/03/2022
Sub: school Education - Change of the nomenclature of the Mandal Resource Centre as Mandal Educational Office - Orders - Communicated
Ref:.G.O.Ms.No.13, School Education (Services.I) Department, dated: 15.03.202
All the Regional joint Director of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take necessary action accordingly.
Encl: (as above)
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