AP National Deworming Day from March 2nd to 5th Instructions

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Sub:- School Education – AP -National De-worming Day scheduled from 02/03/2022 to 05/03/2022 i.e. 4 days - Instructions - issued - Reg. 

Ref:- Rc.No.315/RBSK/NHM/2022, Dated:22/02/2022 from CMHFW, AP, Mangalagiri, Guntur Dt.22.02.2022 (Copy Enclosed)

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The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Ofcers & APCs in the state is invited reference cited and informed that the Government of Andhra Pradesh has planned to implement the school and anganawadi based NDD(National Deworming Day) Programme from 02.03.2022 to 05.03.2022 in all the 13 districts of the State and to cover the children from 01 to 19 years. The coordination and convergence of School Education department, Intermediate Education, Women & Child Welfare department, Tribal Welfare department, Municipal Administration department and Panchayatraj department with Health and Family Welfare is required for proper implementation of the programme.

They are instructed to involve all the managements under their control of schools i.e. Govt., ZP, Municipal, Aided, Mandal Perished and Private Schools to conduct the De-Worming Day from 02/03/2022 to 05/03/2022 to cover the Children from 01 to 19 years age group and give the following instructions to the respective feld level functionaries under the control of School Education (i.e.HMs) to conduct in the National De-worming day.

1. Coordinate with the department of Health for efective implementation of  the National De-worming Day.

2. Teachers should inform parents of the children and tell the benefits of De-worming on children’s health and education through diferent forums and also bring awareness to the students on De-worming day, such as 

i. school assembly

ii. school management committee meetings

iii.Parents - Teachers meetings

iv.And other sources, if any., 

3. Student should consume the medicine after lunch and at their class rooms  only.

4. Should follow the covid-19 protocol.

5. Mild side efects in children may be expected to only children with high worm load. The side efects are usually not serious and would pass by soon, if there are any cases identifed bring to the notice of the Health Department immediately.

6. Preparations undertaken by the Education and Health Department to manage any adverse event.

7. School Head Masters should follow reporting cascade and timely submission of the reporting formats to the health department (Annexure enclosed) daily basis until the program ends (i.e. 05.03.2022).

8. Tablets will be issued on free of cost by the Health Departments.

Further they are also instructed to coordinate with the Health Department to involve under their control of schools i.e. Govt., ZP, Municipal, Aided, Mandal Perished and Private schools.

Further, the RJDSEs in the State are requested to participate and monitor the programme and make the programme grand success.

Top priority should be given to this item of work.

Click Here to Download Memo with Annexure

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AP National Deworming Day from March 2nd to 5th Instructions

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