DSC-2008: కాంట్రాక్ట్ ఉపాధ్యాయులకు జీతాల చెల్లింపులకు ఉత్తర్వులు విడుదల

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School Education - Budget Estimates 2021 - 22 - Budget Release order for Rs.29,84,09,000 /- as additional funds in relaxation of treasury contro! and quarterly regulation orders during the C.F.Y 2021-22 towards payment of salaries to DSC 2008 candidates working on the contract basis with the minimum time scale for the AY 2021-2022 - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Rt.No.266 Dated:02/12/2021

Read the following:-

1. From the DSE AP., Lr.Rc.No. ESEO2-20/24/2021 -RECTMT -CSE, Dt: 26.09.2021.

2. G.O.Rt.No.4452, Finance (FMU-School Education) Dept, dated.29-11-2021.



In the circumstances stated by the Director of School Education, A.P, in his letter 1st read above, and in pursuance of the Budget Release Order issued by the Finance Department, in the G.O 2™ read above, Government hereby accord administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.29,84,09,000/- (Rupees Twenty nine crore Eighty four lakh Nine thousand only) as additional funds in relaxation of treasury control and quarterly regulation orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary grants at an appropriate time during the C.F.Y 2021-22 towards payment of salaries to DSC 2008 candidates working on the contract basis with the minimum time scale for the AY 2021-2022.

2. The amount sanctioned in para (1) above, shall be debited to the Head of Account, indicated in the BRO issued in the G.O 2” read above.

3. The Director of School Education, A.P, shall take necessary action accordingly, in the matter,

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