Joint Staff Council Meeting: ఈ నెల 29 న జాయింట్ స్టాఫ్ మీటింగ్

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Sub: Services Welfare - Meetings - A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council (State Level) Meeting - to be held on 27-10-2021 at 4.00 p.M. is postponed and re-scheduled on 29.10.2021 at 3PM at Conference Hall, 1st Floor, 5th Block, A. p. Secretariat, Velagapudi - Staff-side- Members - Invitation - Regarding

 I am directed to invite your attention to the subject cited and to inform that the A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council (State Level) will be held undergone Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Government on 27.10.2021 at 4.00 p.M is postponed and re-scheduled on 29.10.2021 at 3PM. at Conference Hall, 1'st Floor, 5th Block, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi. Agenda for the meeting is enclosed.

2. I am therefore request you to attend the said meeting with relevant material.

3. I am also to inform you that only the State president and State General Secretary of the each Association will be allowed for the said Meeting and they have to bring their ID Cards and the invitation letter so as to avoid inconvenience and smooth conducting of the meeting.

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